Thursday, March 19, 2009

Achter Slide views

Here is the Achter Slide in 4 views. It's made mostly with old parts
from broken guitars and basses. The body is made from two 2x4s glued
side to side.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tavern on Jane block party

We are really playing a song here. The kid is doing a pretty good job
picking the strings to the beat of the music while I move my slide to
keep him in pitch. The rest of the band couldn't even tell I was
slacking off.

Bracing pattern

This is the bracing pattern I used to reinforce the spruce top of my
square guitar. All of the thin braces are sruce too. The wide
horizontal piece is maple. It supports the bridge and was later
drilled out for the strings to pass through.

Achter slide repair

Acht is 8 in German. The Achter slide has 8 strings and 2 pickups so
the sound from the low sounding strings can go to a different amp than
the thinner strings. My original output section was flimsy. I finaly
repaired it with an El Pico coffee can. The can cut and bent very
nicely to form. The metal will also help keep electrical buzzes out of
my sound. One added plus to choosing El Pico besides the fact that the
color matches, is that the coffee is really quite good. Deep and rich
with a vibrant bite. Note the 'extra fine grind' on the can. Now to
get to work on the music.

Yule Dogs 2008

This is a photo from the Yule Dogs Christmas Show at Mercury Lounge in
NYC. Photo by Jim O'Kelly.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Playing with Ron Caswell

Performing in 2008 at St. Peter's Church. Celebrating the life and
music of the composer Alec Wilder.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

First post

As my first post to the musical part of my site I'm showing a guitar I
built in summer of 2008. The neck is off a Martin travel guitar. The
body was built by me. It has a solid spruce top and thick poplar
sides. It travels well; the back even opens to hold sheet music. More
pictures of that feature later.